A single encounter, the discovery of a plant or animal species in it’s habitat can be one of the most beautiful experiences we can have with nature. Imagine a place where you can wander through and experience the incredible biodiversity of California.
Interact with the oversized 15ft stainless steel laser cut Georgia oak leaf sculpture with patterns of Georgia’s biological
diversity displayed in great detail. At night the sculpture comes alive in vivid detail as powerful LED’s project intense color
through the hundreds of patterns, casting overlapping shadows in six colors on the landscape around the sculpture, the
building wall, and visitors that pass by. Encounter and explore a variety of the pollinator species that are all part of Georgia’s
natural ecosystems, and many only found in the Oconee watershed and Fall Line region of the state. You will be amazed to
learn that lots of theses species are on the endangered species list.
The Georgia Oak has glossy green leaves, attractive